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Research IN

Consumption in sport and physical activity

Department of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities

Faculty of Human Kinetics - University of Lisbon

At the Faculty of Human Kinects, within the sport management field, one of the reserch lines is related with: Behavioral, psychosocial and organizational factors linked with the consumption of sport and physical activity in different contexts.


EASM - Dublin 2015


The 23rd EASM Conference will be held in the impressive Aviva Stadium in Dublin, Ireland from 9 to 12 September 2015. The conference theme is Sport Management in the Digital Age.  (read more...)

NASSM 2015 Conference - Ottawa/Canada


The abstract entitled "The 2014 FIFA World Cup: Examining service quality and value perceptions among attendees at Rio de Janeiro" (Abel Correia, Carla Araújo, Rui Biscaia and Thiago Santos) was accepted for presentation in the NASSM 2015 Conference - Ottawa.


The University of Ottawa and Sport Management Group will promote in Ottawa to 02 at 06 June 2015 the Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management.  

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ALGEDE 2015 Congress - São Paulo/Brazil


Communication "Quality and Value in the Brazil Cup, 2014". Study of FMH/UL (Abel Correia; Rui Biscaia and Thiago Santos) in partnership with Brazilian institutions UTFPR (Sergio Molleta and Fábio Mucio Stinghen), UFMG (Varley Teoldo), UFPE (Vilde Menezes), UPE (Carlos Augusto Mulatinho), UnB (Paulo Henrique), Rio de Janeiro (Carla Araújo), was accepted for oral communication. 


The IV Congress of ALGEDE in São Paulo has the theme:  "training, integration and development of Sport Management in Latin America." (read more...)

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